Company Overview
Tannweer is an Egyptian company headquartered in Helwan Gardens, Cairo.
Tannweer was founded by Eng. Ahmed Mohamed Nagib in 2013 as an information technology and electronics company.
Tannweer is a company specializing in the field of information technology, electronics and strives to develop and to provide a better life environment for domestic and international community by providing effective and innovative solutions in various fields, which in turn draws a new approach for technology and facilitates the lives of human beings.
Company vision is not only trying to enlightening people's lives. It's about "Enlightening the World".
After the will of ALLAH in next 3 months Tannweer should:
- Building a good image for it.
- Building a good working environment.
- Seeking for users satisfaction.
- putting a step in a new marketing plan.
Company Empoloyees
Tannweer company employs professors, professionals, experts and certified engineers who are certified from leading global companies such as Microsoft and Cisco to ensure local and global efficiency of the solutions offered by the Tannweer company.
"Building a good working environment" and "Make the employee do the work he loves" is two of the company concepts for success.
"Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries"
Company Clients
Company worked with large local and international clients such as:
- Ministry of Trade and Industry in Egypt.
- Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia.